Job Vacancies at Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA)
Job Vacancies at Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA)
Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA) was founded on the 31st of August 1957 which happens to be the same day as the historic Independence Day of Malay Peninsular during the reign of the British, the administration of the Federated Malay States was handled by the British. The declaration of Independence on the 31st of August 1957 itself has initiated a new supreme and independent order and leadership in the Federation of Malay Peninsular. Officially, the Public Services Commission was formed according to Article 144(1) of the Federal Constitution.
Job Vacancies at Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA)
Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA) invites qualified Malaysians to fill the positions as below: –
1. Jururawat
2. Penolong Pegawai Perubatan
3. Juruteknologi Makmal Perubatan
4. Penolong Pegawai Kesihatan Persekitaran
5. Juru X-Ray
6. Penolong Pegawai Farmasi
7. Jurupulih Perubatan Anggota
8. Jurupulih Perubatan Carakerja
The closing date for this applications has been extended from July 31, 2013 to the date of August 14, 2013 (Wednesday) at 11:59 pm.
Jawatan Kosong Kerajaan
Kenapa permohonan saya x melepasi syarat yang ditetapkan oleh kementerian.
Dah update pun masih sama jga..
saya pon sama.. permohonan tidak melepasi syarat sedang kan dah update…apa yg tak lepas nye..? sila nyatakan sebab..
Ni utk belajar 3 tahun. Lepas habis belajar baru keje. Cuba terangkan dengan lebih jelas.
Saya nk sgt dpt spa ne dlm bidang pembantu pegawai perubatan, tpi saya da smbung pljran di cyberjaya university college medical science under Jabatan penempatan pekerjaan dlm kos paramedik.. boleh ka sya mohon spa ne?
Jurupulih Perubatan Anggota
Jurupulih Perubatan Carakerja
Saya ingin memohon untuk jawatan jururawat klinikal. Terima kasih.
sy ada prob dengan password SPA..
saya berminat dgn kerjaya yg diberi tapi x boley,. saya dah wt byk tp x dpt jgk..
Kerana berminat untuk mempelajari dalam bidang
Tersebut .
Saya sangat berminat dalam kerjaya jururawat, sa juga mempunyai diploma dalam kejururawatan…saya berharap cita2 saya ini tercapai disini..
2 penolong pegawai perubatan
saya permohon untuk kerja jururawat.
nk try laa
Job application
Im looking for nurse job in government..I have 1 experience in private hospital
jurupulih anggota
macam mana nak apply ni?
Mcm mna nk apply .
Permohonan menerusi portal SPA
im a staff nurse registered under LJM, n being looking forward for government job. I really really hope that government will accept me and giv me a chance to work in goverment hospital. Thank You.
hello im Jeevitha, staff nurse looking forward to get a chance to work in government hospital.
Mcmna nak apply klo lupa id n kata laluan kat SPA? perlu bantuan scpt mungkin..tq
semoga saya diterima dlm calon latihan separa perubatan pengambilan januari 2014. amin…. ya rabbal alaminnn….